So often, we find ourselves being stretched too thin, being pulled in so many different directions between jobs and caring for those we love that we forget to care for ourselves. Self-care is vital to maintaining your health and finding balance in your life.

Aya Porte’s private yoga sessions give you the tools and space to deal with the daily challenges, and increasing pressure. Aya starts by getting to you know and your goals, and tailors an asana sequence to your needs. After your session, she spends time reviewing anything that came up during your session. Between sessions, she assigns manageable homework designed to give you practical skills to use off the mat, as well as to build your practice.

Private Yoga Instruction: 1:1 private yoga instruction tailored to your needs:

1 session: 60 minutes ¥10,000; 90 minutes ¥15,000

3 sessions: 60 minute package: ¥25,000; 90 minute package: ¥40,000

5 sessions: 60 minute package: ¥40,000; 90 minute package: ¥65,000

10 sessions 60 minute package: ¥80,000; 90 minute package: ¥120,000